The Creepy Guy Who Told Shitty Knock-Knock Jokes


June 6 20666

One day i was taking a walk because i really like to walk, and to walk in dog poo, it feels so good n squishy. But anyway I was walking, and then i saw this guy for a split second out of the corner of my eye. He had a very creppy smile and was looking at me as if i were a lolipop and his eyes were black with red pupils and he was bleeding blood and i screamed. But i only saw him in a split second so i just thought it was a glitch. And then i walked down to the recently air bombed crack ghetto part of town and i saw the guy again he was smiling a bad smile and he had a knife in his hand and the decapitated head of my sex slave Brian in the other. Hr twisted his head 360 degrees and sed "knock knock" and i sed "who's there?" in he sed "dexter" an then i sed " dexter who?" n he sed "dexter halls with balls of holly" N i was like HORY SHIT THAT IS THE WORS?T JOK EVA!! and i punched him right in the gonads. but he just floated away like a genie. This freaked me out and i scremed liek a little pusseh again. But lately i have been doing some heavy LSD mixed with strawberry flavored weed so i didn't think much of it at the time.

July 666 420 eve

so i walked home and there he was Brian. he was ded. I called 911 and i said i didn't do it. the creepy guy who told shitty knock knock jokes did. and they were over in one second. And it made the front headlines. KNOCK KNOCK WHOS THERE A KILLER that was the head line. when that fiasco was over i took more LSD while watching my little pony: shrek edition on public access tv and the guy appeared again and he said "shrek the balls with halls of holly......wanna here another joke?" i told him to fuk off and to finish his joke on his own so he told me "knock knock, whos there? a europe. europe who? YOU'RE A POO!!! HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH then i switched the channel to monkey porn and went to bed

July 667

OHMYGOD!!!!! HES EATIN MY GRAMMA!!! i saw him in meh dreams he said theodore i sed theodore who? theodore wasnt open so i knocked HEs FUKIN LOOKIN AT ME RIGHTT NOW!! HE CAN TELEPORT THRU DREaMS!!!!!!!......................
itold him that was a shitty joke and called the police this tim, they tok him and my ded gramma 2 jail and and i went back 2 my little shreks with some much earned strawberry weed and i got so high that i dreamed of a spongebob liking my face off like ice cream and i was delicious but i saw the guy out of my peripheral vision and he was dun fukin around with knock knock jokes and he russled my jimmies so hard i died.
i dont even know when
im in hell know the guy killed me its really scurreh in hell but then i heard the worst thing ever that made me vomit candy canes up my asshole WHY COULDN'T THE ELEVEN YEAR OLD GET INTO THE PIRATE MOVIE? IT WAS RATED RRRRRRR its the killers perverted uncle!!!! hes gonna rustle my jimmies!!! help meeeeeeeeeee trcdryxcrt5sdftuydxrxerfhcexcretsgct4esxzerxc